United States History Chronology Challenge Eight
Drag a date in history onto the event that matches the time period.
1823 AD
1630 AD
1765 AD
1803 AD
1828 AD
1846 AD
1929 AD
1898 AD
1804 AD
12000 BC
Mexican-American War
Correct: The Mexican-American War began in 1846.
Incorrect: The Mexican-American War began in 1846.
Spanish American War
Correct: The Spanish-American War was fought in 1898.
Incorrect: The Spanish-American War was fought in 1898.
Louisiana Purchase
Correct: Thomas Jefferson negotiated the Louisiana Purchase in 1803.
Incorrect: Thomas Jefferson negotiated the Louisiana Purchase in 1803.
Jackson and Indian Wars
Correct: Andrew Jackson fought the Indian Wars in 1828.
Incorrect: Andrew Jackson fought the Indian Wars in 1828.
Siberian Land Bridge
Correct: Tribes crossed the Siberian Land Bridge in 12000 BC.
Incorrect: Tribes crossed the Siberian Land Bridge in 12000 BC.
Louis and Clark
Correct: The Louis and Clark Expedition began in 1804.
Incorrect: The Louis and Clark Expedition began in 1804.
Sons of Liberty
Correct: Groups calling themselves the Sons of Liberty were formed in 1765.
Incorrect: Groups calling themselves the Sons of Liberty were formed in 1765.
The Great Depression
Correct: The Great Depression began in 1929.
Incorrect: The Great Depression began in 1929.
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Correct: The Massachusetts Bay Colony was established in 1630.
Incorrect: The Massachusetts Bay Colony was established in 1630.
Mississippi Steamboats
Correct: Steamboats sailed the Mississippi River in 1823.
Incorrect: Steamboats sailed the Mississippi River in 1823.
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