World History Chronology Challenge Six
Drag a date in history onto the event that matches the time period.
1607 AD
1950 AD
793 AD
8000 BC
1941 AD
336 BC
550 BC
2000 BC
2500 BC
1969 AD
World War II
Correct: World War II began in 1941 AD
Incorrect: World War II began in 1941 AD
Persian Empire
Correct: The Persian Empire began in 550 BC
Incorrect: The Persian Empire began in 550 BC
Institutional Slavery
Correct: Institutional slavery began around 8000 BC
Incorrect: Institutional slavery began around 8000 BC
Viking Age
Correct: The age of the Vikings began in 793 AD
Incorrect: The age of the Vikings began in 793 AD
Jamestown Settlement
Correct: The Jamestown settlement began in 1607 AD
Incorrect: The Jamestown settlement began in 1607 AD
Korean War
Correct: The Korean War began in 1950 AD
Incorrect: The Korean War began in 1950 AD
Carribean Tribes
Correct: Tribes arrived in the Carribbean around 2000 BC
Incorrect: Tribes arrived in the Carribbean around 2000 BC
Alexander the Great
Correct: Alexander the Great came to power in 336 BC
Incorrect: Alexander the Great came to power in 336 BC
Moon Landing
Correct: The first moon landing was in 1969
Incorrect: The first moon landing was in 1969
India Civilization
Correct: Civilization in India began around 2500 BC
Incorrect: Civilization in India began around 2500 BC
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