Viking Settlers (Subclasses)
From the 800's to 1066 the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings (primarily Danes) would fight for control of Britain. There would be Anglo-Saxon kings and Viking kings. Eventually the people of Britain started to think of themselves as English. For farming and trade the Vikings developed multiple cart types. Do a search on Viking carts and you will see some interesting vehicles. For this training module you will build a subclass for a wood cart, and another subclass for a cart that hauls containers.
The diagram to the right shows the different files that you will make in order to demonstrate Java's use of subclasses.
Here is the code for a class that establishes fields in a parent cart class.
- import static java.lang.System.out;
- public class VikingCart {
- // This is the parent class.
- // Subclasses are able to access the fields of
- // this class by using the extends keyword.
- private String name;
- private int wheel;
- private int bed;
- /* The setName method is called
- * a setter method. The setter establishes
- * that name and n share the same value.
- * public is a keyword that does allow access
- * from other classes.
- */
- public void setName(String n) {
- name = n;
- }
- /* The getName method is called
- * a getter method. The getter returns
- * the value of name.
- */
- public String getName() {
- return name;
- }
- public void setWheel(int s) {
- wheel = s;
- }
- public int getWheel() {
- return wheel;
- }
- public void setBed(int h) {
- bed = h;
- }
- public int getBed() {
- return bed;
- }
- }
Here is the code for the first subclass.
- import static java.lang.System.out;
- public class VikingCartWood extends VikingCart {
- private int wheel;
- private int bed;
- private int cord;
- public void setWheel(int w) {
- wheel = w;
- }
- public int getWheel() {
- return wheel;
- }
- public void setBed(int b) {
- bed = b;
- }
- public int getBed() {
- return bed;
- }
- public void setCord(int c) {
- cord = c;
- }
- public int getCord() {
- return cord;
- }
- }
Here is the code for the second subclass.
- import static java.lang.System.out;
- public class VikingCartContainer extends VikingCart {
- private int numberofcontainers;
- public void setContainer(int c) {
- numberofcontainers = c;
- }
- public int getContainer() {
- return numberofcontainers;
- }
- }
Here is the code for the calling class.
- import static java.lang.System.out;
- public class UseVikingCart {
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- VikingCartWood thorVikingCartWood = new VikingCartWood();
- VikingCartWood ingridVikingCartWood = new VikingCartWood();
- thorVikingCartWood.setName("Thor's Cart");
- thorVikingCartWood.setWheel(30);
- thorVikingCartWood.setBed(80);
- thorVikingCartWood.setCord(100);
- ingridVikingCartWood.setName("Ingrid's Cart");
- ingridVikingCartWood.setWheel(40);
- ingridVikingCartWood.setBed(90);
- ingridVikingCartWood.setCord(110);
- VikingCartContainer thorVikingCartContainer = new VikingCartContainer();
- VikingCartContainer ingridVikingCartContainer = new VikingCartContainer();
- thorVikingCartContainer.setContainer(3);
- ingridVikingCartContainer.setContainer(7);
- out.println();
- out.println("Name: " + thorVikingCartWood.getName());
- out.println("Wheel Size: " + thorVikingCartWood.getWheel());
- out.println("Bed Square Feet: " + thorVikingCartWood.getBed());
- out.println("Number of Cords of Wood: " + thorVikingCartWood.getCord());
- out.println("Number of Containers: " + thorVikingCartContainer.getContainer());
- out.println();
- out.println("Name: " + ingridVikingCartWood.getName());
- out.println("Wheel Size: " + ingridVikingCartWood.getWheel());
- out.println("Bed Square Feet: " + ingridVikingCartWood.getBed());
- out.println("Number of Cords of Wood: " + ingridVikingCartWood.getCord());
- out.println("Number of Containers: " + ingridVikingCartContainer.getContainer());
- }
- }
Use Save As to save the code files to your folder. Then compile the code files in the Command prompt window. Run the class.
Your output should look like this:
c:\javamike>java UseVikingCart
Name: Thor's Cart
Wheel Size: 30
Bed Square Feet: 80
Number of Cords of Wood: 100
Number of Containers: 3
Name: Ingrid's Cart
Wheel Size: 40
Bed Square Feet: 90
Number of Cords of Wood: 110
Number of Containers: 7